Case Study: How we helped a 7+ Figure entrepreneur grow their business to 8+Figures while reducing their involvement in the day to day operations, working less hours and giving them more freedom of time in the process

About Miha

Exclusive Case Study Reveals:

#1 How To Get Out of Feeling Trapped By Your Business

#2 How To Lay Down The Proper Foundation To Scale From 7 Figures to 8 or 9 Figures

#3 The Systems Needed To Transition into the Shareholder and Hire Out Functions of the Business That You Are NOT Passionate About

About Miha

Miha has been a serial entrepreneur for the past 23 years. He's grown and scaled 9 companies over 7-9+ figures in different industries all around the world. Including his last business where he rapidly scaled from zero to 8+ Figures in the first year and reaching 9+ figures in the 2nd year.

Miha has personally generated over $3 billion in sales and has been apart of many joint ventures and partnerships where he's been able to generate $24 million in funding.

Miha teaches 7+ figure entrepreneurs how to go from working 60-70+ hours per week to managing your company with 4-6 hours per week.

He's invested several hundred thousands of dollars into education, coaching, mentoring, masterminds and he's dedicated to keep investing a minimum of $10k per month as he consistently looks for better ways to serve and help his clients.

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